Author: Abile Lereko
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Realistic goals are less harmful

Goals are attainable but we need to be mindful about comparing ourselves to social media, creating unrealistic timelines and being harsh to ourselves
Realistic Goals Are Less Harmful
The general tone of going into this year isn’t as exciting as past years have been. For nearly two years now, we’ve all endured uncertainty and frustration amid multiple lockdowns and social restrictions, so personally I think it’s fair to be apprehensive about how we approach the rest of the year.

If anything, as individuals with our own complex lives which play out among other complex lives, we should focus inward and try to set reasonable goals which work for where we’re at present and what resources we have. Be realistic and don’t aim for something you saw on an influencer’s Instagram page.

Let me tell you why. Some influencers sell you products by making you think you need them. From skin purifiers to flat tummy lollipops, a lot of what we see being sold on social media is made to appeal to your insecurities. So, when I say be realistic, I mean it – don’t try to aim or be anyone you’re not. Don’t go broke because you want to enter the Comrades Marathon, but you’ve never even run a full 1km without feeling nauseous.

That said, you could train for the Comrades Marathon this year, then enter it in 2024. If you want to lose some weight, start with a small number – I’m a big girl and I could definitely stand to be smaller and healthier, but how I intend on getting to that goal is slowly.

Too many people have the unattainable idea that every goal needs to be completed quickly and that’s what sets a lot of people up for failure. It’s okay to have a timeline for yourself but that timeline shouldn’t be destructive to your physical and mental health in the long run.


As we brave another strange, uncertain year, lessen the load of your intentions and goals by being reasonable and open to changing how you look at achieving them. Be focused, realistic but most of all, be kind to yourself.

Last updated Tuesday Janurary 25, 2022